[530] Framework agreement for general office supplies and stationery products

Tender notice overview

Procurement number
Place of execution
Skåne län
The procurement is carried out with procedure
Undefined procedure
Procuring organisation
European Spallation Source ERIC
Prior information notice

ESS wishes to conclude one Framework supply agreement for the purchase of general office supplies and stationery products for ESS premises in Lund, Sweden, serving approximately 500 employees and 200 consultants. The scope includes all aspects for the office supplies and stationery. The objective is to conclude a framework supply agreement with a supplier offering a large assortment of office supplies and stationery products. The tenderer should offer a high delivery performance in order to reduce the need for ESS to maintain high stock levels. By signing the Framework supply agreement ESS is looking for the following benefits: - Short order/delivery times - Competitive prices - Online catalogue ordering - Customer service orientation - Access to a broad range of quality products and brands - Constant service throughout the whole year (excluding national holidays) .

Note that this is a prior information notice. The procurement documents are expected to be available
Expected last tender date
Expected agreement start

You can view details about the upcoming procurement by clicking prior information notice in the menu on the left.

Category codes
Skåne län
Cpv 2008 (EN)
Office supplies

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