[529] Industrial Gas

Tender notice overview

Procurement number
Place of execution
Skåne län
The procurement is carried out with procedure
Undefined procedure
Procuring organisation
European Spallation Source ERIC
Prior information notice

This framework agreement refers to the supply of industrial gas for ESS projects involved in installation activities and initial operation activities in different laboratories and workshops. In addition, ESS is looking for a supplier who can provide a solution for a consignment stock. The supplier should be able to manage inventory, ensure availability of essential items. A streamlined solution that aligns with ESS's future operational needs.

Note that this is a prior information notice. The procurement documents are expected to be available
Expected last tender date
Expected agreement start

You can view details about the upcoming procurement by clicking prior information notice in the menu on the left.

Category codes
Skåne län
Cpv 2008 (EN)
Industrial gases

By registering interest on the page registration you will receive notifications via e-mail if changes occur. You can also notify the procurement officer if you decide to decline participation.