[495] X-ray reflectometer for free liquid interfaces

Tender notice overview

Procurement number
Place of execution
Skåne län
The procurement is carried out with procedure
Open procedure
Procuring organisation
European Spallation Source ERIC
Prior information notice

The user laboratories at ESS are seeking to procure an offline X-ray reflectometer, suitable for the characterisation of thin films at the air/liquid interface, in a horizontal sample geometry without tilting the sample, and including space for a Langmuir trough on an antivibration table. Additionally, the instrument shall also be appropriate for characterisation of the surface of solids with suitable sample holders and goniometer..

Note that this is a prior information notice. The procurement documents are expected to be available
Expected last tender date
Expected agreement start

You can view details about the upcoming procurement by clicking prior information notice in the menu on the left.

Category codes
Skåne län
Cpv 2008 (EN)
X-ray devices
Cpv 2008 (EN)
Instruments for measuring quantities

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