Procurement of construction, delivery and time charter of a polar research ship with ice-breaking capabilities, reference number 2025-17


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The Tenderer awarded contract shall be fully responsible to design, construct, test and survey, launch, equip, complete and time-charter the Vessel solely to the Agency all in accordance with good international shipbuilding and marine engineering practice, and with full responsibility for the fulfilment of the desired features and functions of the Vessel in accordance with the Contract and in accordance with the design and specification of the Vessel supplied by the Agency. The time-charter will be entered into for 15 years with the Agency having options to extend up to additional 10 years. The time-charter includes, inter alia, that the Tenderer are required to be fully responsible to prepare the Vessel for its operation according to normal time-charter agreement practice, for the technical management of the Vessel and for the crewing of the Vessel. After a minimum of 5 years after the delivery of the Vessel, and every 3 years thereafter, the Agency can exercise a call option clause in the Contract resulting in full ownership of the Vessel. If such call option is exercised, the time-charter shall be terminated but the awarded Tenderer shall, if requested by the Agency, continue to provide services related to ship management of the Vessel, this including technical management, commercial management and crewing management up to a total minimum of 15 years. The Contract will be signed with only one (1) Tenderer.

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