- RFI__EBSD/EDS detectors
Svar senast är 2024-12-02, annonsen visas mellan 2024-11-15 och 2024-12-02. Utförandeort Norrbottens län.
LTU is in the process of purchasing a EBSD/EDS detectors.
To ensure the procurement yields the best results, LTU is conducting an RFI before it is advertised. You are invited to submit your comments and suggestions on the procurement document, which includes technical and commercial requirements. If there is anything you believe cannot be fulfilled among the mandatory requirements (chapter 5), we are keen to be informed.
All comments and suggestions for changes can be made directly in the attached Word document as comments or alternatively in the text with a distinguishing color.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
The deadline for responses to this RFI is 2024-12-02.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.