Title: Evaluation Multidimensional Poverty Analysis
Description: EBA hereby invites proposals for an evaluation of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s (Sida) work with multidimensional poverty analyses. The aim of the evaluation is to assess whether, and to what extent, Swedish bilateral aid is consciously influenced and/or steered towards poverty reduction interventions using multidimensional poverty analyses.
Procedure identifier: b81e937e-7fb0-4bd1-815e-df8e13000d6c
Internal identifier: Komm 2024/00382/UD2013:01
Type of procedure: Restricted
The procedure is accelerated: no
Justification for the accelerated procedure:
Main features of the procedure:
2.1.1 Purpose
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 79419000 Evaluation consultancy services
2.1.2 Place of performance
Country subdivision (NUTS): Stockholms län (SE110)
Additional information: -
2.1.3 Value
Estimated value excluding VAT: 1 300 000 Swedish krona
2.1.4 General information
Applicable cross-border law: