Title: Försäkringsupphandling Region Kronoberg
Description: Försäkringsupphandling avseende Motorfordonsförsäkring för Region Kronoberg
Procedure identifier: c364a2a6-9320-4ed1-bce6-909b5359d58d
The procedure is accelerated: no
Justification for the accelerated procedure:
Main features of the procedure:
2.1.1 Purpose
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 66514110 Motor vehicle insurance services
2.1.2 Place of performance
Country subdivision (NUTS): Kronobergs län (SE212)
Additional information: -
2.1.3 Value
Estimated value excluding VAT: 4 485 000 Swedish krona
2.1.4 General information