Title: Stängselåtgärder syd etapp 3
Description: Uppförande av stängsel på olika sträckor inom region södra och sydöstra.
Procedure identifier: 534065bd-a013-43c8-ac5e-cd4c233d9142
Internal identifier: KOM-415957
Type of procedure: Other single stage procedure
Justification for the accelerated procedure:
Main features of the procedure:
2.1.1 Purpose
Main nature of the contract: Works
Main classification (cpv): 45112721 Landscaping work for golf courses
Additional classification (cpv): 45342000 Erection of fencing
2.1.2 Place of performance
Country subdivision (NUTS): Blekinge län (SE221)
Additional information: -
2.1.2 Place of performance
Country subdivision (NUTS): Skåne län (SE224)
Additional information: -
2.1.3 Value
Estimated value excluding VAT: 12 200 000 Swedish krona
2.1.4 General information