[V 2024/2269] CPL-CD spectrometer


Upphandlingens nummer
V 2024/2269
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Upphandlingen genomförs med förfarande
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Ansvarig upphandlande organisation för den här upphandlingen är
Lunds universitet
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Publik annons: Denna upphandling är annonserad publikt. Sista dag för att lämna in anbud är {0}

Nanochemistry and Spectroscopy research group at the Division of Chemical Physics is seeking a state-of-the-art spectrometer capable of measuring circularly-polarized luminescence and circular dichroism (CPL-CD spectrometer) to advance research on luminescent nanomaterials for LED applications. Such a spectrometer enables quantification of circular polarization of light emitted and absorbed by nanomaterials across visible spectrum. The requested spectrometer is capable of measuring samples in solutions, thin films, both transparent and opaque. The tender must include delivery, installation, and commissioning of the product in the designated place at the premises of the Division of Chemical Physics. The tender must include equipment with all components and licenses necessary for a functioning unit.

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